Sunday, March 4, 2012

4 Month Checkup

Last Monday was Paisley's 4 month check up.  She was 11 lbs 6 oz (36th percentile) and 23 1/8 inches longs (48th percentile).  The past month has been a little hectic as I have been traveling for work during the week and leaving Chrystal to get both kids to and from daycare.  She has been a real trooper, but luckily the travel is over until summer for me.

Today the weather was amazing and let us get some time spent outdoors to burn off a little pent up energy.

Only 364 more days until tee ball tryouts!

Good thing we have a little time to work on it.

It was a big game for the Wildcats today and Paisley was decked out for it.

She is obviously the more photogenic one.  

Otherwise all is going well.  Paisley is sleeping well for 6 - 7 hours at a stretch over night.  We are getting some rest, but there is still some room for improvement.  Aunt Alex (and soon to be Uncle Brad ???) are coming down this month and Chrystal thinks they are going to take Paisley to get her ears pierced.  After consulting with Pa, I may have to veto that idea and earrings don't work well under a softball batting helmet.

1 comment:

CC Thomas said...

She looks just too happy to watching the game!!