Wednesday, February 17, 2010

1 Year Stats

Since we had so much "fun" with Spencer's pneumonia we missed his one year check up.  We were able to get it in on Monday.  He is 22 lbs 6 oz (45th percentile), 31 inches tall (86th percentile) and has a 18 1/4 inch head (51st percentile).  I was really excited until my mom dug up my 1 year stats: 22 lbs 9 oz and 30 1/2 inches.  There goes Chrystal's dream of a UK basketball star.  The doctors are really happy with his progress and development.  We couldn't put a post up with out some pictures and today was bath day so...

The kid is a fish and would live in the tub if we let him.

He is growing up so fast.

A cleverly placed toy prevents this from haunting him in 15 years.

A very big step happened today as well.  Spencer had the remote in his hand and changed the channel to Pursuit, our hunting channel.  It was a magical moment and I had to wipe a tear away from my eye.  Only 9 more years until his hunter safety class!