Monday, June 29, 2009

I'm 5 Months Old!!!!

Ok so he's 5 months and 3 days.  The sinus infection is gone!  The only downer is we think he has allergies, specifically we think he may be allergic to Winnie as when he is on the carpet his eyes get red and he sneezes.  The good news is we have begun to master a new trick!  

He is sitting up all by himself!

Look at how clear that picture is on the tv.

Here he is practicing for his PBR career.

We have decided we are going camping for the Fourth.  It could be interesting as I have never taken Chrystal camping, much less Chrystal and an infant.  Chrystal is just dying to use her new fishing gear she got for her 29th birthday.  I am sure we will have some amusing photos to post after the trip.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Mimi's Visit

So the Saturday before Mimi was arriving Spencer decided he wanted to start his day at 5:30am.  Being the great husband and father that I am, I turned off the monitor and grabbed the little man to take him downstairs so as not to wake up the momma.  I was able to talk Spencer into going back to sleep with me on the couch and Chrystal took this picture once she woke up.

A great husband and son.

We celebrated father's day last Sunday as my dad flew to Florida for back surgery this week.  So far through one operation he is doing well.  He is scheduled for one more procedure with the possibility of a third.  We had KFC at Nana's house and then went to Rizzuto's for some ice cream.  Spencer decided he had to join in the celebration and we have an ice cream addict on our hands.

MMMMM!  Its so good once it hits your lips.

Mimi got in on Sunday night and spent the next three days with Spencer while Chrystal and I were at work.  We are waiting to get some of Mimi's pictures as she took boat loads to show off her handsome grandson to all the friends and family back home.  While Mimi was here we celebrated Chrystal's 29th birthday at no where other than Red Lobster.  

Jumping for Mimi.

Mimi couldn't resist the chance to spoil Spencer a little.  He is now the proud owner of a Jeep.  The carpet is proving a bit of a challenge, but on the kitchen floor he is able to scoot himself along backwards.

It's a face of utter surprise!

We had a great week with Mimi.  She was able to pack a lot of Spencer time in during her stay.  Thank you sooo much for the Jeep.  We are excited to have him scooting throughout the house.  Hope everyone is doing well.  

Monday, June 8, 2009

It's Been A Couple Of Weeks

So Spencer spent some time with friends and family last week as Mrs. Lisa was on vacation.  He spent Monday and Tuesday with Nana.  Naturally she grabbed the camera for a few pictures.  

He was an angel for Nana of course.

Here is a new trick he learned!

Wednesday and Thursday were spent at the Rosch's house.  Ava took to him like he was her own.  We got several pictures of the kids, but they didn't transfer over well enough to put them on here.  A huge thank you to Nana and the Rosch's for helping us out.  
This past weekend we went to a wine festival in Manitou Springs with Nana and Mr. Townsend.  We took Spencer in the stroller, but it wasn't much of a family friendly event as it was very hard to maneuver a stroller around.  I know you are all thinking, we sat out on the tasting portion and spent more time cruising around downtown Manitou.

Spencer at the wine festival practicing his J.C. Penny Catalogue poses.

He has taken to putting hands and feet in his mouth.

Other than that it has been some of the same old same old.  I did make an impromptu trip to Nebraska with Davis, Mash, and Lops.  It was good to see some friends, but I wish it could have been under better circumstances.  Our condolences and prayers go out to the Hardens.  We love you guys.
Mimi comes this weekend so be prepared for another post in less than two weeks!