Sunday, July 5, 2009

Our Camping Adventure

Happy belated 4th of July to every and happy belated birthday to Poppa who shares his day with the country's. We packed up and headed up to Deep Lake Campground. Its about 5 hours from the Springs with no traffic so it took us a bit longer to get there thanks to traffic and broken down truck drivers. All in all it was a fun trip. We got to fish and I took Chrystal to see where the boys went elk hunting last year. Spencer was a trooper and did really well.

Those mountain mornings can be a bit chilly!

The valley where we fished and I hunted last fall.

Spencer's first hiking experience thanks to a Father's Day present from Nana.

Chrystal gave it her all with the salmon eggs and the powerbait.

Spencer let us know when he was done fishing with this face.

The camping version of tummy time.

While waiting out some rain Spencer practiced driving.

The reason we left.

We spent Friday night under the stars and after fishing on Saturday we sat through a rain storm in the car and tent. While everything was drying out we noticed another storm a brewing. Chrystal went with her gut feeling and gave me the pack it up idea and we got out of dodge just before it hit. Good thing too because it was a bad one.


Just Us! Gary, Jen, Lilly and Owen said...

Hey you the baby is super cute I love hopw he is driving so soon! And yes I am OLD enough to have been married for TEN YEARS! HA-HA I'll tell Teddy that Dads yard needs some hand watering care! Take care of the pretty wife and cute baby!

Love Jenny

Mike and Laura said...

Chrystal went camping....I am amazed every day! Spence is as cute as ever in his hiking gear! Did anyone catch any fishies?