Monday, March 9, 2009

Baby Update!!!

So it's been a little bit. I am back at work and time has gotten away from me. So Spencer is 6 weeks old today! Hard to believe. He has grown so fast and is showing all kinds of progress. He has started to follow our fingers and responds to our voices sometimes.

Some say he is yawning, I am thinking he is trying to tell Mom to get the camera out of his face!

This one really is a yawn. It doesn't take long before the swing or his bouncer put him out.

Look at this kid go! He will be crawling and mobile in no time.

This is Chrystal's favorite outfit. She took about 74 pictures of him in it.

This was after rooting for Michigan for with dad. It was a close game and it wore him out.
Work is going well. Its tough to leave the kid everyday, but I guess it worth it so he has a place to live. We have found our day care provider. Spence will be her only infant and she is really really excited to have him. It seems to be a perfect fit. We have been truly blessed as Spencer has been a calm little man, knock on wood. Well its time for bed as work comes early these days. We are off to Allie's fourth b-day party tomorrow so there may be another post shortly, but don't hold me to it...

1 comment:

Mike and Laura said...

The first pic is my fave! He's probably saying "Mom, this is my better side, get this side" (Just like Mom would say!