There have been a few changes, but really its been a lot of hanging out and having fun. Auntie Alex got a job as a flight attendant and moved to Denver. We get to see her every couple of weekends as she escapes down here to hang out. We also have a new day care provider as ours left the in-home world. Spencer has really taken to Ms. Stephanie's and is doing really well.
Spencer got a bubble machine from Great Aunt Trixie and Great Uncle Bobby!
Notice Alex trying to hide from the camera.
We now have a play place in the back yard thanks to Great Grandma Liz and Great Grandpa Johnny!
The weather was nice enough to get out a couple of times.
The park down the street provides a bigger slide Spencer loves.
Lots more of these type of pictures to come this Summer.
The books Spencer got for his birthday are coming in handy.
There isn't a whole lot going on. I am in the midst of busy season in the fertilizer world and Chrystal is seeing a big spike at work with the economy crawling back. Easter is coming up so I am sure there will be another post sooner rather than later!