My how time flies. So a lot has happened in the past few weeks. Spencer made a new friend as the Heck's had Sophia, their second daughter, just after Mother's Day. Spencer turned 4 months old on the 26th and we have had some major milestones with that.
We have a bottle holder on our hands!
Here is the first bite of that delicious cereal.
I guess it wasn't that delicious after all.
Spencer usually enjoys playing on his bear skin rug. Here he is disagreeing with our decision to take the picture.
We had a doctors appointment on Tuesday. The big 4 month check up and second round of shots. He now weighs 13 lbs 14oz (55th percentile), measures at 25 1/2 inches (82nd percentile), and has a head circumference of 16 1/8 inches (36th percentile). The doctor tells us he is on pace to be over 6 feet tall. Sounds like he is getting some of the Townsend height gene that skipped my dad and I.
On a side note congrats to Matt, Shelly, and Dane Z as baby deuce arrived today. We are also excited as Mimi will be making another visit in the middle of next month and will get a bunch of time with Spencer as she will be watching him the days Chrystal and I have to work.